About Journal

In order to expand, advance and improve the scientific transportation of the country and to improve the educational and research affairs of professors, students and researchers, this publication focuses on transportation infrastructure in all modes, including road transportation, air transportation, transportation And sea transportation and rail transportation have started to operate.

According to the regulations for determining the cost of processing articles in open access scientific journals of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, in order to cover a part of the costs of the journal and improve the implementation of the processes related to the journal, the amount of 400,000 Tomans for the costs of processing the article (review, editing, layout and publishing) will be received from the authors in case of final acceptance of the article.

The journal of "Transportation Infrastructures Engineering" was presented in the meeting dated 10/06/2015 by the Commission of Scientific journals of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and agreed with the granting of scientific-research credit by letter 3/18/64852 dated 27/06/2015 was notified to Semnan University. Also, according to the press law, the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance has issued the publishing license of this journal under the number 93/25939 on 12/01/2015.