Performance Evaluation of Two-component Road Marking Materials by Using Pull-off Machine

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc. Student, Civil and Environ. Eng., Tarbiat Modares Univ., Tehran, I. R. Iran

2 ., Associate Professor, Civil and Environ. Eng., Tarbiat Modares Univ., Tehran, I. R. Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Civil and Environ. Eng., Tarbiat Modares Univ., Tehran, I. R. Iran


Performance of road-marking paints is one of the important parameters in their evaluation. The performance of road marking paints depends on many factors, which the most important ones are type of pavement, preparation of pavement surface and type of road marking paint. In this research, the performance of one of the two-component road-marking paints that is used in the streets of Tehran is evaluated. To perform the test, an adhesion-testing machine was used. In this research, the considered goals included best runtime of the two-component road marking paint on fresh asphalt surface, role of aggregate materials in interaction of road marking paint and pavement surface, modification of the primer used in pavement surface and role of the primer in interaction of two-component road marking materials and pavement surface. Analysis of the results showed that durability of two-component road marking materials in calcic pavements is more than siliceous pavements. Also, the best runtime is 15 days after the implementation of the asphalt. Also, the results revealed that implementation of a layer of primer in concrete surfaces and old road marking paint surfaces increases the adhesion strength (about 10%). On the other hand, implementation of a layer of primer in asphalt surfaces decreases the adhesion strength (about 35%).


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