Investigating the condition of the bridges of road arteries in Alborz province

Document Type : Research Paper


1 - Assistant Professor of Seismology, Engineering and Risk department, Road, Housing and Urban Development Research Center, Tehran, Iran

2 Senior expert in Seismology, Engineering and Risk Department of road, housing and urban development research, Tehran, Iran

3 بزرگراه شیخ فضل الله نوری خیابان مروی مرکInstructor of Seismology, Engineering and Risk Department of Road, Housing and Urban Development Research Center, Tehran, Iran


Bridges are very important components of transportation networks.Considering the very vital role of the technical infrastructure especially the bridges, it became necessary to examine the condition of the bridges of the road arteries of Alborz province. In this survey, the first, important and influential technical buildings were identified in the Tehran-Karaj-Qazvin axis, the special Karaj-Qazvin axis, the Kandavan axis, the Taleghan axis, and the Eshtehard axis. Then, technical inspection groups were sent to the area and functional inspection of the structure and identification of vulnerability factors were carried out based on pre-prepared checklists. After extensive field observations, defects in the structures were prepared along with all the items related to their current physical and functional condition. All the parameters taken in the structures were weighted based on the importance and type of impact of the damage, and according to all the taken parameters as well as the importance coefficient of each, a kind of management classification was made based on the levels of vulnerability in the buildings of the province into four groups. According to the results obtained in Eshtehard axis: 2 bridges with the degree of vulnerability A and one bridge with the degree of vulnerability B, in the Taleghan axis: 2 bridges with the degree of vulnerability A and 3 bridges with the degree of vulnerability B and 1 bridge with Vulnerability level C and 2 bridges with vulnerability level D, in the Karaj-Qazvin axis: 10 bridges with vulnerability level A, 12 bridges with vulnerability level B, 16 bridges with vulnerability level C and 3 bridges with damage level D vulnerability and in Kandavan axis: 11 bridges with vulnerability level A, 10 bridges with vulnerability level B, 9 bridges with vulnerability level C and 2 bridges with vulnerability level D were identified.


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