Field Study of Vertical Stiffness of Ballasted Railway Track by Using the Beam on the Elastic Foundation Method

Document Type : Research Paper


1 School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, I. R. Iran.

2 Professor, School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, I. R. Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran,- I. R. Iran.


The present study analyzes and measures the vertical stiffness of ballasted railway track based on the beam on the elastic foundation method by focusing on the effects of dynamic stabilizer machine. Investigating the effects of this machine on the vertical stiffness of ballasted tracks can help the railway engineers in track maintenance planning and cost reduction. One of the methods for maintaining ballasted railway tracks is using the mechanized track maintenance trains to adjust longitudinal leveling, track alignment, and stabilize the railway. While the tamping machine has advantages for quickly correcting the track geometry, it also has disadvantages such as a reduction in the lateral resistance and stiffness. These disadvantages result from the penetration of tamping tines into the ballast layer, and lack of coherence in the ballast grading. The dynamic stabilizer machine, based on available technical literature, can reduce some of the deficiencies caused by the tamping machine. To examine these effects, a field experiment was conducted in Line No. 1 at Karaj Railway Station. Results of the tests performed in three steps including before tamping, after tamping, and after using the stabilizer machine indicate that, due to the absence of tamping for five years, the vertical stiffness was at its maximum level before tamping. After employing the tamping machine, the vertical stiffness decreased by approximately 69%, mainly due to the penetration of tamping tines into the ballast layer, which reduced the compaction and the contact surface between ballast particles. Following the passage of the dynamic stabilizer machine and application of horizontal vibrations and static vertical loads, which enhanced the compaction and proper interlocking of ballast particles, the vertical stiffness increased by approximately 47% compared to the step after tamping operation.


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